Pierino Beggi was born on 3 March 1920 and died in Reggio Emilia on 9 January 2015. He was in the military when the fascist regime fell. When the armistice was signed he was in Piemonte, near the French border, and managed to avoid being captured by the Germans. When he returned in Reggio Emilia, in 1943 he enrolled in the GAPs (Patriotic Action Groups). His battle name was »Gigi«. Beggi carried out attacks and sabotages and also took part in the action that lead to the rescue of the valuable curtain of Reggio Emilia’s »Valli« theatre. He contributed to the Liberation of Reggio Emilia on 24 April 1945 and witnessed the arrival of the Allies.
interview team Istoreco ERA-Group
camera team Pulse-team
date of interview 28-11-2006
I started to run as fast as I could. I was skinny then and 23 years old. The soldier took out his gun and started shooting at me.
Pierino Beggi (1920 - 2015)
alias name
1943 - 1945: Reggio Emilia (Italie)
Armed Resistance, Partisan
resistance groups
GAP Reggio Emilia