Giacomina Castagnetti was born in Roncolo di Quattro Castella (RE) on 11 November 1925. She now lives in Castelnovo né Monti (RE). From 1940 she collected contributions in the area of Quattro Castella for »Soccorso Rosso«, an underground Communist network that assisted antifascists who were victims of political persecution during the fascist regime. She joined the Resistance movement after the 8th of September 1943, in the »women support groups«, women organizations set up by the CLN in order to assist the partisans. She operated in the area of San Martino in Rio (RE) until the Liberation, on 24th April 1945.
interview team Istoreco Youth Group
camera team Pulse-team
date of interview 2006-12-18
I remember Strozzi saying: »War has never brought anything good for the poor.«

Giacomina Castagnetti (1925 - 2024)

1943 - 1945: Roncolo di Quattro Castella (Italy)
Unarmed Resistance

resistance groups
Gruppi di difesa della Donna