Ana Zablatnik was born in 1923 in the village Ludmannsdorf/Bilčovs in the southern part of Carinthia. She belongs to the Slovenian speaking minority. Early, she and her family were confronted with humiliations. The threat of being deported by the Nazis in 1942, from which she and her family luckily stayed unharmed, led to the decision to contact the partisans of the „Osvobodilna fronta“, the Slovenian liberation front. They were active in 1943 near her home village. On May 6th 1944 she was arrested and brought to a Gestapo-prison in Klagenfurt. From the beginning of 1945, she awaited her trial in the notorious court of justice, but it was not realized anymore. She was released in the last days of war (4.-6. May 1945). She kept her resistant attitude against any form of discrimination up to today.
interview team GAJ Youth Team
camera team Pulse-team
date of interview 2007-01-12
There was no real future for us. But that made you stronger to go into the resistance and help wherever you could.

Ana Zablatnik (1923 - 2010)

Ludmannsdorf (Austria)
Unarmed Resistance