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He was born on February 4th, 1929 in Warsaw. At the beginning of the war he engaged in the scouts’ activities, took part in reconnaissance actions and acts of sabotage. During the Warsaw Uprising he took part as a member of the AK (Home Army) in the unsuccessful attack on the Okęcie airport. Later on he reached the forests near Warsaw and subsequently served in three partisan squads. After the war, for a few years he was imprisoned in communist prison for subversive activity. He lives in Józefów near Warsaw.
interview team Karta Youth Group
camera team Pulse-team
date of interview 01-12-2006
They did not want us in sabotage, we were too young. Our scout authorities made it clear not to get us into sabotage.

Tadeusz Sułowski (born in 1929)

1939 - 1945: Warsaw (Pologne)
Armed Resistance

resistance groups
Armia Krajowa

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